Here are just a few examples of the chores on my plate today. First I had to help Mom with the sheets when they came out of the dryer. You can see me helping in these photos for proof. I had to inspect the entire pile to make sure all the pillow cases were accounted for and that no mice were hiding out in the bundle.
Later I had to inspect the tree outside the front window to count the birds that are nesting there. Birds are clever and don't always come and go on schedule, so it can be very time consuming to sit and count. It can take hours.
I also had to take a bath. You'd be so surprised to see just how dirty my ears and tail get while chasing mice and moths. Checking out all those dark corners in the basement is murder on my whiskers too. Some humans get weekly manicures, well I need a weekly Whiskercure. They get covered in cobwebs and just look awful unless I maintain a strict beauty regime.
Finally at night I have to carry all my "babies' upstairs at bedtime. Since my mouth is on the small side, this takes multiple trips up and down the stairs.
And it all starts all over again the next morning at 5am when I have to work my little tail off to get my Mom out of bed to give us breakfast. You'd be amazed what she can sleep through. I will sit on her chest, tap her on the face, lick her hand and sometimes even that doesn't work. That's when I get my brother Dexter to help.
So don't go around thinking a cat's life is all sunbathing and sleeping. We work hard for our keep.